The PlayStation 5 Control Center is a convenient quick menu that can be displayed by pressing the “PS5” button on the DualSense 5 controller, and gives you options that let you see your downloads, change your music, see notifications, change the sound settings and more. By default there are a lot of icons displayed in the bar, and even a few that are hidden. Thankfully, Sony makes it easy to customize your PS5 Control Center and get rid of items you don’t use, and add a few others that aren’t shown by default that you may find useful. Examples of all instructions in the steps can be seen in the YouTube video below.
Steps to Customize PS5 Control Center
- Navigate to your PS5 home screen, and then press the “PS” button in the center of the controller. The PS5 Control Center is displayed along the bottom of the screen.
- Use either the D-pad or the analog sticks on your PS5 DualSense controller to highlight one of the items in the quick menu, and then press the “Options” button on the PS5 controller. You’ll now see check boxes displayed beneath the items in the Control Center that you can add and remove from the menu.
- Highlight any of the options you want to remove and then press “X” on the DualSense controller to remove the check mark from the box beneath them. In this example, I’ll remove Game Base and Music. Alternatively, for any options you want to add, highlight them and then press “X” to add a check mark. In this example, I’ll add Broadcast. As a reminder, some options, such as Downloads, Notifications and other options aren’t able to be added or removed, and are required to be displayed in the menu. Press the “Options” button on your PS5 controller again when you’re done making changes to save your changes, which will be applied automatically.