If someone is harassing you on Instagram, or you’re worried someone will start bothering you, it’s possible to block them. Blocking someone on Instagram means that they can no longer see your profile, posts or stories. Additionally, when you block someone on Instagram, that user won’t be officially notified, but it will be easy for them to find out they’ve been blocked if they do some simple checks. The process to block someone on Instagram is the same for both the Instagram app on iPhone, iPad and Android devices, and the Instagram website. Examples of all instructions in the steps can be seen in the YouTube video and images below.
Steps to Block Someone on Instagram
- Either launch the Instagram app on your iPhone, iPad or Android device, or navigate to the website. You’ll land on your Instagram home screen.
- Navigate to the profile page for the Instagram user you want to block. Tap the ellipses on that person’s profile page. A menu is displayed.

- Tap “Block” in this menu. A Block Account window appears letting you know that this person will no longer be able to find your profile, posts or stories on Instagram, and also that they won’t be notified that you’ve blocked them.

- Choose “Block.” Another window appears letting you know you’ve successfully blocked this person on Instagram.

- Tap “Dismiss.” You can unblock this person at any time by navigating back to their Instagram profile, tapping “Unblock,” and then tapping “Unblock” again in the next window asking if you’re sure you want to unlock them.

5 Reasons to Block Someone on Instagram
1. Harassment or Bullying
One of the most compelling reasons to block someone on Instagram is to prevent harassment or bullying. When interactions turn negative, blocking that person can instantly stop their toxic behavior from affecting you. This tool is crucial for maintaining your mental well-being and ensuring that your social media experience remains positive. It serves as a quick and effective way to protect yourself from continuous unwanted and harmful messages or comments.
2. Privacy Concerns
Many users block others on Instagram to safeguard their privacy. This might be necessary when someone persistently snoops into your personal life or shares your private information without consent. Blocking such individuals helps in controlling who can view your posts and stories, ensuring that your personal content remains accessible only to a trusted audience. It’s an essential step for anyone facing privacy invasions on the platform.
3. Ending Relationships
Following a breakup or a fallout with a friend, blocking on Instagram can help in moving on. It prevents you from seeing constant updates from the other person, which can be crucial for emotional recovery. Blocking someone can act as a definitive closure of that chapter in your life, helping you focus on healing without the constant reminder of the past.
4. Spam or Inappropriate Content
If you encounter accounts that spam your feed or comments section with unsolicited ads or inappropriate content, blocking them is an effective response. This action helps keep your Instagram experience clean and relevant to your interests. It prevents such accounts from cluttering your feed and ensures that you engage only with quality content and genuine interactions.
5. Focus on Mental Health
Blocking can be a proactive measure for those looking to improve or maintain their mental health. By curating a social media environment that only includes positive interactions and content, you actively contribute to a healthier mental state. If an account consistently triggers stress or anxiety, removing it from your digital space can have a significant positive impact on your overall well-being. This is about creating a personal space that supports your mental health goals.