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How to Block a Buyer on eBay


EBay is mostly a great place to sell items online. However, some users on the platform can be a real pain, whether they don’t pay, harass you by sending messages, complain about the product you sent them, or something else. No matter what the reason, if you identify users you no longer want to deal with, eBay makes it easy to block them from being able to purchase your listings or contact you. The only caveat is that you can’t block buyers in the eBay mobile app, and you can only block them on the eBay website.

Some of the images associated with the steps are included inline below. All images associated with these steps can be seen in the embedded YouTube video. Also, please note that you’re not able to leave a comment directly on this article. If you have a question or feedback, please leave it on the YouTube video.

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Steps to Block a Buyer on eBay

  1. Open a web browser, navigate to, and then sign in to your eBay account if you’re not signed in already. You’ll land on your eBay home screen.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow next to your account name at the top of the screen to display a menu, and then click “Account Settings” in that menu. The My eBay screen is displayed.

  1. Scroll down to the Selling section, and then click “Selling Preferences.” The Selling Preferences screen is shown.

  1. Scroll down this screen until you see the Your Buyers section, and then click “Edit” next to the Blocked Buyers List item in this section. The Buyer Management screen is displayed.

  1. Find the Blocked Buyer List section, and then click “Manage Blocked Buyer List” in that section. The Block Buyers From Your Listings screen is shown.

  1. Scroll down this screen to the Blocked Buyer List, and then enter either the individual’s eBay user ID or email address. You can enter multiple users by separating each user with a comma.

  1. Click “Submit” after entering the information for the eBay users you want to block from being able to purchase your eBay listings. A success message is displayed at the top of the screen letting you know that your Blocked Buyer List has successfully been updated. Additionally, by default, anyone you add to the blocked buyers list will no longer be able to contact you.

Reasons to Block a Buyer on EBay

1. Non-Payment

A frustrating issue for any seller, non-payment can seriously affect a business’s bottom line. To protect their livelihood, sellers often choose to block buyers who repeatedly fail to pay for items won or purchased. By doing so, sellers avoid wasting time and resources on transactions that will ultimately go nowhere.

2. Negative Feedback

Negative feedback can have a significant impact on a seller’s reputation, which is why many sellers opt to block buyers who leave unreasonable or unwarranted feedback. Blocking these buyers protects the seller from future transactions that could lead to further negativity.

3. Unreasonable Returns

Dealing with constant returns can be a major headache for sellers, particularly if they are without a valid reason. To avoid this hassle, many sellers choose to block buyers who regularly return items. This ensures that future transactions will be smooth and stress-free.

4. Abusive Behavior

Threatening, harassing or otherwise abusive behavior towards a seller is unacceptable. To maintain their safety and peace of mind, many sellers choose to block buyers who engage in such behavior. Blocking these buyers also sends a clear message that such behavior will not be tolerated.

5. Scams or Fraud

Scams and fraud are serious issues on any e-commerce platform, and eBay is no exception. To protect themselves and other buyers, many sellers choose to block individuals suspected of engaging in these activities. By doing so, sellers help maintain the integrity of the eBay community.

6. Multiple Identities

When a buyer uses multiple identities to purchase items from a seller, confusion and potential scams can result. To prevent these issues, many sellers choose to block buyers with multiple identities. This protects both the seller and the eBay community as a whole.

7. Violating eBay Policies

Buyers who repeatedly violate eBay policies can cause significant headaches for sellers. To prevent further issues, many sellers choose to block buyers who consistently break the rules. This helps maintain the integrity of the eBay platform and protects sellers from potential harm.

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About Max

Max has nearly 20 years of experience working in IT across three different industries in project management and management capacities: publishing, telecommunications and healthcare. He holds the following degrees and certifications: BS Communications, MA Communications, MBA and Project Management Professional (PMP). His tutorial-focused YouTube channel earned more than 100,000 subscribers in its first four years, and currently has more than 160,000 subscribers, 110,000,000 video views and an insane 2.4 million hours of watch time. Max enjoys learning new technology, reading and collecting comic books, listening to audiobooks and playing video games.

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